Thursday, January 20, 2011

I like the thought that when we die we are elevated to a higher state of consciousness and will be provided all the answers to life's big questions.  But perhaps at the moment of our death, consciousness as we know it ceases to exist and we are simply absorbed back into the impersonal universe.  Personally, I would prefer the former, but both options sound plausible to me.  An impersonal universe would have no inclination (or perhaps even ability) to reveal the truth on this matter.  But perhaps not knowing is a purposeful and essential stage in the process of enlightenment.  If I'm learning something by all this I can't tell.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Must stay busy and stimulated either being productive or entertained lest I start thinking and asking questions.
Change come's without your consent. You can't prevent it.  If certain aspects of your life are unpleasant, you can facilitate your own changes, but there's no point in forcing change for its own sake.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Self Made Man

Message to all you "self made" men (and women) out there.  If you had been born a black male in inner city Watts, you would most likely be dead or in jail right now.  If you were an orphan in Afghanistan you would be begging in the streets and sleeping under a bridge.  If you were a female you would be a prostitute.  Get over yourself.  Try to have a little gratitude for all the help you've had along the way and a little compassion for your fellow human beings.  When was the last time you wondered where your next meal would come from and where you might lay down to sleep without being fucked with by someone.  God, I'm sick of listening to people bitch about their taxes.  Do you think a willingness to work hard entitles you to the lifestyle you've enjoyed?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Modern Day Pharisees

Ever notice that many of the people who describe themselves as Christians, specifically Evangelical Christians, bear a much closer resemblance to the pharisees of the New Testament than to Christ or his followers?  I think if you took all the teachings of Christ, which were mostly presented in the form of metaphor, interpreted them figuratively to the best of your understanding, applied them to your life, then eliminated all the doctrine and dogma that has developed over the past two thousand years, you would have a pretty good religion.

What's to be done when your world view more closely resembles that of people who describe themselves as Agnostics or Secular Humanists?  And what is an Agnostic anyway, but a person who simply says "I don't know what the truth is, but I'm open to various possibilities"?  That just sounds like someone being honest with themselves.  I can find no fault with that, and any God I choose believe in wouldn't either. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter

Do you think God gives any credit for bi-annual token gestures to religious traditions that play essentially no role in our daily lives? I don't either.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Possibly one of the more overused buzz-words of the day, almost to the point of becoming cliche. And one that has developed polarizing political connotations. But also one that deserves a second look and closer consideration.

Based on my observations, the modern world is in the process of generating a consumption based society that can't possibly be sustained long-term. It has set as a goal a materialistic standard of living that more and more people are struggling to maintain. Each generation's disappointed lifestyle expectations set by the preceding generation.

The truth is, the human population has gone into a growth phase sometime referred to by biologists as exponential. At the same time the planet we live on possesses a finite quantity of resources to be shared among a constantly growing number of people.

Rather than re-assess the true nature of their expectations, most people choose find a convenient scape-goat to blame for their diminishing wealth. This can be clearly seen in the current political climate in this country. Each party using the "falling" standard of living as evidence of the failed policies of their opponents.

One possible solution. Attempt to ignore the messages constantly streaming into your consciousness through the commercial media and society in general. Re-evaluate the your current lifestyle and discover which parts of it are truly meaningful and which parts are the source of stress and frustration. Prioritize and simplify. Eliminate the non-essentials. Clear out the clutter. Make time to spend alone with your own mind.

Seriously people, you don't need all that shit you think you need.