Saturday, March 27, 2010


Possibly one of the more overused buzz-words of the day, almost to the point of becoming cliche. And one that has developed polarizing political connotations. But also one that deserves a second look and closer consideration.

Based on my observations, the modern world is in the process of generating a consumption based society that can't possibly be sustained long-term. It has set as a goal a materialistic standard of living that more and more people are struggling to maintain. Each generation's disappointed lifestyle expectations set by the preceding generation.

The truth is, the human population has gone into a growth phase sometime referred to by biologists as exponential. At the same time the planet we live on possesses a finite quantity of resources to be shared among a constantly growing number of people.

Rather than re-assess the true nature of their expectations, most people choose find a convenient scape-goat to blame for their diminishing wealth. This can be clearly seen in the current political climate in this country. Each party using the "falling" standard of living as evidence of the failed policies of their opponents.

One possible solution. Attempt to ignore the messages constantly streaming into your consciousness through the commercial media and society in general. Re-evaluate the your current lifestyle and discover which parts of it are truly meaningful and which parts are the source of stress and frustration. Prioritize and simplify. Eliminate the non-essentials. Clear out the clutter. Make time to spend alone with your own mind.

Seriously people, you don't need all that shit you think you need.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Central Fact

From an evolutionary standpoint, the fear of death makes a lot of sense when you think about it. So instead of cursing this gut-wrenching dread that sometimes hits me during that state between sleep and waking around 3 am, I should be thankful for it. Because without it, my ancestors probably wouldn't have lived long enough to pass the fear gene on to me.

Mankind has created religious traditions to soften the blow, but they don't really know what comes after. Memories are stored in the physical brain that is destroyed at the time of death. If there was something before this life I have no way to recall that experience. But if the human soul is infinite, then that means no beginning or end. It doesn't add up in my mind that I didn't exist until the moment of my conception, but my soul will continue on after I die. Then again, what do I know about it?

I'm not really a big fan of the concept of reincarnation. It doesn't appeal to me, the thought of being thrown into a new life every few years or so, for the rest of eternity. Each time, starting from scratch, completely confused and unaware of your previous life with no idea what comes next. Over and over and over..... Perhaps there is such thing as karma, but who cares if you can't remember why you're being rewarded or punished? How are you supposed to reach enlightenment that way?

I much prefer the idea of a final resting place, where all truth is revealed and all fear and confusion is gone. And since it's my choice, this is what I will go ahead and believe in.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Boredom is nothing more and nothing less than the lack of appreciation for your current surroundings.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Pendulum

A free-market society with no system of wealth redistribution eventually separates the population into classes. Usually this manifests itself in the form of a small wealthy aristocracy and a vast underclass. To the underfed masses, the ideas of socialism become increasingly attractive. In a country where the democratic process is functioning properly, public policy begins to move left at that point.

The same process works in reverse. Oppressive government regulations, corruption and high taxes can drive the public to elect conservative officials.

In my opinion, this cycle is inevitable in a democratic society. However, this process is subject to failure in the presence of media manipulation, election fraud, and police oppression. It is only under such totalitarian control that either extreme state is achievable. Communism on one end and feudalism on the other.

So as much as the incessant partisan bitching in this country grows tiresome, if it ever goes silent be very afraid.